Mandorla Rising

Feeding the Story: Your Turn

Fig. 9, Embers, 2019

Fig. 9, Embers, 2019

‘The heart of the teller is impacted by the heart of the hearer and vice versa’
—Sean Kane, Wisdom of the Mythtellers,
as oft-quoted by Daniel Deardorff at his story nights

In the traditions of Deardorff and many tellers of ancient tales, it is customary to invite those who have heard the story to now 'feed the story' for, as Daniel reminded us, the story is food. It thrives on our response.

In this spirit, the Mythsinger Legacy Project & Judith-Kate Friedman invite you to share your thoughts, responses and ‘feeding.’ We would love to include your words as part of this Feeding the Story page as it grows and in relation to the Mythsinger and Mandorla Rising Projects.

We look forward to hearing from you. And will let you know when your words have been posted. Thank you.



Daniel ‘3D’ Deardorff Bio


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